2430 /Reply No. 15) // test2
Posted by: Lupin - (On 2008/11/04(Tue) 12:39:49)

test 2

2431 /Reply No. 16) // Alf
Posted by: Lupin - (On 2008/11/04(Tue) 12:43:06)

         /⌒ヽ 彡'"´  彡jiiミヽ
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 彡           `ー-("´         `ヽ      ミ
彡                               ミ

2457 /Reply No. 17) // Re[17]:
Posted by: Lupin - (On 2009/04/29(Wed) 20:21:04)

290 X 217 => 150 X 112

Korean florecent cloned puppy-sea enenemy combo.

2458 /Reply No. 18) // Re[18]:
Posted by: Lupin - (On 2009/04/29(Wed) 20:25:03)

290 X 217 => 150 X 112

Starting with 344 embryos implanted into 20 dogs, Lee's team ended up with seven pregnancies. One fetus died about half way through term, while an 11-week-old puppy died of pneumonia after its mother accidentally bit its chest. Five dogs are alive, healthy and starting to spawn their own fluorescent puppies, Ko says.

In reply to No.2457 by Lupin
> Korean florecent cloned puppy-sea enenemy combo.


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