News from 03/18/2001

Nikkei Telecom 21 reports Capcom to discontinue from Arcade Market

Please note that the following is a 3rd party report, and not an official announcement made by Capcom.

The Nikkei Telecom 21 -the largest online news & information database in Japan accessible through paid membership only, has reported that Capcom will be discontinuing from sales and development of arcade games.
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GameSpot Japan: Capcom Announces Capcom vs SNK Pro,
Capcom vs SNK 2 to be displayed at upcoming Tokyo Game S

Photo:GameSpot Japan
(GameSpot Japan) Tokyo, 3/18- In Capcom's "Capcom vs SNK Millenium Fight 2000" tournament held today at "Plaza Capcom Kichijouji", Capcom development staff's Ichinose announced that "Capcom vs SNK Millenium Fight 2000 Pro" -an upgraded version of the original game with balance fixes and other minor changes, will be released. In addition to the minor fixes, 2 additional characters will be added to the game -the characters have not been revealed.

The tournament at the Tokyo Game Show on 3/30, will be played with the "Pro" version. In addition, "Capcom vs SNK 2" will be available for viewing at the Tokyo Game Show as well.
[ Link: GameSpot Japan ]
Titles on display for Tokyo Game Show increases to 294 Games
On 3/16, CESA has announced their updated list of games to be exhibitedat the upcoming Tokyo Game Show, 3/30 - 4/1, Makuhari Messe. The number of titles to be released at the Tokyo Game Show has increased to 294. Formally announced at 131 titles, the number of games to be exhibited have now over doubled. Platform wise, Playstation ranks #1(82 titles), Gameboy Advance ranks #2 (59 titles), and Playstation 2 ranks #3 (45 titles). Dreamcast ranks #6 at 13 titles, and X-Box Ranks #9 with 3 titles.
[ Link: CESA ]

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