TECMO at the TGS
      - 3.30.01

Tecmo Announces Dead Or Alive 3

A real surprize for the X-Box came from Tecmo, which dropped a bomb of "Dead Or Alive 3" -not at their own booth, but at X-box'es booth. A clip over two minutes long was shown, centered on the two new characters whose names are not known yet.

One character (male) uses sui-ken, the drunken martial art. I don't know exactly what the other character (female) uses, but it's definitely not a martial art that's been used in any fighting game thus far. Er.. and no, that "RealTime Demo" on the opening screen referred to that the visual plays its sequence real time on the X-Box, not prerendered in RealNetworks Co's "RealTime" movie format.

Tecmo's Team Ninja developer Itagaki was at the X-Box booth to explain the game, saying that they decided to bring their sequel to the X-box because it's such an attractive machine to develop a game on, and met the ideals for making the next DOA. Itagaki also commented that the game is only about 10% complete and running on an alpha (incomplete) machine, but man... it sure looked good.

Oh, and there are talks of the game to come out for the arcades as well, on an X-box board

Guess what, I have a movie clip of DOA3. I took two clips- the first half which shows the male character and the second half which shows the female character- but the first one isn't available with me right now. But I'm sure that DOA fans would rather see the female character than the male, so... don't complain.

For the video, go to the Dessert Section! It's under 3 megs too, thanks to the invention of mpeg4 encoding of Div-X. A real treat for you narrow-band surfers. You'll need a Div-X codec in order to see it though, it's free so go download it at-


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